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UPDATE: Delay In Posting, Email

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sorry for the delay in current posts. After being away from the site for so long, there is a lot of background housekeeping that needs to be done and I'm working on it now.

At the same time, I am responding to the emails that I have received and will get to each of them as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to write and for continuing to visit Black Tennis Pro's.

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Posted by Shelia
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Hello!...A Happy And Properous 2009 To Each Of You

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Greetings Black Tennis Pro's Fam and Friends!

I guess I don't have to tell you that I took an extended holiday vacation, and was sworn off my computer during the entire time.

I had an absolutely amazing holiday season with family and friends. I have cooked, decorated, and wrapped to the limit. I don't think that I could have taken anymore. At this very moment my house is shockingly quiet - nice.

I hope that each of you were as richly blessed, and that your 2009 is filled with as much as your heart, head and hands can hold.

Oh well, back to the grindstone of Black Tennis Pro's 2009!

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Posted by Shelia

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I'm Baaaaaaaack!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tell me something good, because I'm listening. The momentary absence is over. Look for new content this evening and the activity here at Black Tennis Pro's to get back to rockin'.

It's all good!

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Posted by Shelia

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Political Note: Ace For Barack Obama

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

As I listened to Barack Obama support, defend, chastise and embrace America this morning, I became very proud of that man and all that he embraces. Obama reached out to an America that is possible if only we try.

One of the blessings of blogging is that we reach and receive people from all walks, races and cultures of life. We read what each other has to say and realize how much we have in common and operate from that perspective. Yes, the blessing also comes with the curse of those finding you who don't want to believe in anything outside of what they know, but they very fortunately are few.

Today, a man who embodies a number of cultures stood before us and told us why he wants to preside over this country with all of its rich and painful history, loving and hateful people, and resistance to change as it changes. I believe him. I believe in him and his mission. I did not know what else Obama could have done to further my belief in his ability to be the President of the United States, and this morning, he did it.

NOTE: The bell of evil rings so much louder than the bell of good, amazing!

We're a couple of hours out from Obama's incredible speech, and I've seen a few commentators try to pick at it, though they know they're wasting there time. However, it is playing nowhere near the television time given to Geraldine Ferraro's words or the Reverend Wright's sermon footage. My, my my.

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Posted by Shelia

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Who's Watching The Pacific Life Open? HELP!

My cable company does not carry Fox Network Sports. I thought that I was covered in all sports instances because I subscribe to the "sports tier" of my cable company. So, this leaves me with two hours of the Pacific Life Open daily, if any at all!

I realize that there are match results everywhere. I've been posting from the live board that I "watch" when there is no tennis being broadcast on my expensive "sports tier."

I want to post personal, honest observations of the game like I try to give. So, whoever is watching any match at any time, please help me out and put your observations together and email them to me. It doesn't matter which match, how short or how long, just an honest view of what you saw. I'll post them as is (so long as they're clean). Don't forget to put either your name or screen name on it so that I can give you credit.


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Posted by Shelia

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