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OFF TOPIC: McCain's Family A Hoot!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In an interview with The Daily Beast, McCain's aunt, 96-year-old Rowena Willis (twin sister of McCain's mother) said this of her sister's concern about McCain winning:

"She really doesn't care," Willis said of her 96-year old twin sister, who has campaigned for her son and recorded TV ads with him. "Let these bastards get in,’ she says, ‘I don't give a damn anymore. If these people want to buy votes and get their people in office, let them suffer for it in the way of high taxes."

Willis went on to say:

"I'm hoping he wins, for the country's sake,” McCain’s aunt said. “I figure it will kill him, but he's going to die one day anyway, so he might as well do it there."

DAYUMMM!! These are some rough old women! HA!

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OFF TOPIC: ABC Panel Tears Into McCain: Not Presidential, Age Should Be An Issue

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Black Tennis Pro's ABC Panel

For John McCain, the panel discussion on This Week with George Stephanopoulos could not have been more brutal.

Minutes after conservative columnist George Will declared that the Senator was decidedly un-presidential is his unexpected call for the firing of SEC Chairman Chris Cox, Sam Donaldson, the long-time ABC hand, said that McCain's erratic message on the economy again raised questions about his age.

"I suppose the McCain campaign's hope is that when there's a big crisis, people will go for age and experience," said Will. "The question is, who in this crisis looked more presidential, calm and un-flustered? It wasn't John McCain who, as usual, substituting vehemence for coherence, said 'let's fire somebody.' And picked one of the most experienced and conservative people in the administration, Chris Cox, and for no apparent reason... It was un-presidential behavior by a presidential candidate."

Donaldson then jumped in: "It was two days after the he said the fundamentals of the economy were strong. His talking points have gotten all mixed up. And I think the question of age is back on the table."

It should be noted that McCain's call for the firing of Cox was dismissed right off the bat, as the president does not have the authority to axe an SEC chairman. The criticisms that Donaldson raised concerned the fact that McCain started the week by touting the fundamentals of the economy, before pivoting into fits of populist mantra and calling for increased regulation of the markets - position at odds with McCain's traditional economic philosophies.

"When I say age," he explained, "I don't know the difference between finding your talking points and not delivering the right ones, we have seen him do this frequently but this last week was the worst. Between two stops in Florida, as you say, he had to revise his thinking about what he wanted to say about the economy, wanted to feel the pain suddenly than say everything is great."

The whole, painful, episode crested with Will leveling an even harsher blow.

"John McCain showed his personality this week," said the writer and pundit, "and made some of us fearful."

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Posted by Shelia
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OFF TOPIC: SNL McCain Ad Campaign Strategizing...Hilarious!

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OFF TOPIC: Prayer and Blessings To The Family Of Isaac Hayes

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Black Tennis Pro's Isaac HayesThis has truly been one sad weekend. I can't even begin to speak to how much I love the music of this man. To this day I play "I Stand Accused" and "Walk On By" in my daily mix of music. The man was beyond talented. My mother and father played his music endlessly, which is how I came to love him so. I am very glad to have his library of music in my home.

WASHINGTON (AFP) — American funk-soul legend and Academy Award-award winning musician Isaac Hayes was found dead Sunday at his home in Memphis, Tennessee, officials said. He was 65.

The talented singer, songwriter and composer, who won the Oscar in 1972 for best original song for the theme from "Shaft," was found unresponsive at his house by family members, Shelby county spokesman Steve Shular told CNN.

"Shelby county sheriff's deputies received a 911 call about 1:00 pm (1800 GMT) central time from family members. They had gone out at about noon today to a grocery store and came back and unfortunately found him unresponsive in the bedroom," he said.

Hayes was given CPR by paramedics but could not be revived.

"Family members believe at this point it is a medical condition that might have led to his death," said Shular, adding that Hayes was being treated for "a number of medical issues." He declined to elaborate further.

Hayes suffered a stroke in 2006.

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The Delicacy Of Hillary Clinton's Strength

Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's a slow tennis news day today, so I'm going to take off my tennis shoes and put on my political hat.

Hillary Clinton is getting on my nerves.

When this campaign began I thought wow, this is incredible. We have two brilliant people in the persons of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. I was so very proud just to be able to see that the potential to hold the highest office in the land is truely available to two people who look like me, an African-American and a woman, awesome. The beauty in this vision is that it's real. Not only are they candidates, but one of them will become the leader of the free world, because Democrats far and wide are going to ensure that we do not have to endure the political incarceration that another Republican president will surely bring.

I also felt so awful that here is an incredible African-American man who, if elected, will probably bring unparalleled heights of dignity to the presidency, and God knows we need it. Unfortunately, I was not going to be able to vote for him because I supported Hillary Clinton. But thanks to Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama too, I will now be voting for the latter.

I am so sick of Senator Clinton's "strength" and "day one readiness." What does that mean? It means how ordinary she is in a time that we need an extraordinary person in the Oval Office. Why ordinary? What does Hillary continue to allude to as her "test of strength or great trial? Bill Clinton cheating on her! Yes it happened, yes it happened in front of the world and right under her nose. It was indeed a bigger and more humiliating cheat than most women who are cheated on suffer, but it still boils down to marital infidelity. Well, I've been cheated on, I'm still standing and life is better now than ever, should I declare my candidacy?

"Ready on day one," what the hell does that mean? From Fortune 500 CEO's to the cashiers at McDonalds, based upon their resumes they are hired. On day one of their job they get up, shower, dress and hit the new job, ready on day one. What the world will bring their way on day one is unbeknownst to them, but they are there and ready. This too could describe the very ordinary Hillary. For all of her legal expertise, first lady expertise, and genuine other accomplishments, unless Dionne Warwick has told her something different, she knows no more about day one as the leader of the free world than I do. Being married to a former president does not transfer any special abilities to her.

Lastly, Senator Clinton's "kindergarten teacher" routine this weekend was a major turn off. "Shame on you.......every Democrat should be outraged" she yells in reponse to a mailing by Senator Obama's office. Doesn't it just bring to mind your kindergarten teacher telling one of the bad kids, "shame on you, now you have cost the rest of the class their play time." Trying to drag the rest of the class to her side so that they'll be angry at the bad kid and perhaps that will make him straighten up and fly right in the future. Good Lord, give me a break.

Well, I'll give Senator Clinton kudos for one thing, she has concocted the cure for my and a lot of other African-Americans attachment to that family. It was nice while it lasted, but I'm over it.

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Posted by Shelia

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OFF TOPIC: Old School Mama!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A teary-eyed second grader says he learned his lesson about responsibility.

His mother made him stand on a street corner across from his school Wednesday with a sign that read, "I was rude to my teacher. I can't come to school. I'm sorry."

Marcia Harvey said her son just made the honor roll at Brentwood Elementary. But she said he he had a lapse in judgement and acted up in class.

Harvey says she loves her son very much but she wanted to teach him a lesson about making good choices, and the consequences of making bad ones.

"I want him to be successful in life," said Harvey. "This is something I thought of that would maybe get his attention."

It did.

"I got to be good in school," the boy said as tears rolled down his face.

Others noticed and offered encouragement.

A crew picking up garbage drove by and shouted, "Be good, stay in school!"

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Posted by Shelia

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OFF TOPIC: Marion Jones Admits Steroid Use

Friday, October 5, 2007

The above picture shows Marion Jones crying during her press conference subsequent to her plea to two counts of making false statements to federal agents a' la Lil' Kim. Marion Jones is one of those athletes who I had a bit of faith in, and honestly believed that she just happened to be caught up in a sting gone haywire.

As a person, Marion Jones's admission today does nothing toward how I feel about her, the woman, for we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. "He who goes without sin, let him cast the first stone." The greatest cost of Marion Jones's lie is to herself. She will pay in humiliation and dignity, and that's a high price to pay. Fortunately it appears that she has loved ones who love Marion, not Marion Jones the runner, and that kind of support is priceless. It will be the rock upon which she can stand throughout the days to come.

As a supporter of Ms. Jones, I'm definitely disappointed. She protested loudly and fervently that not only was she clean, but she also defied the agents to show one ounce of proof that she had been using steroids. Yet today she confesses with tears in her eyes. Why? Were the feds closing in on her lies? Or did they actually have the goods on her and she wanted to be the one to tell us before federal agents did?

Whatever brought Ms. Jones to this point today, at least it's over and she can begin to move on with the rest of her life. She retired from the sport of track and field in her press conference today, apologized and asked for forgiveness. I guess she did pretty much all that she could do in light of the situation.

I hope that her tomorrow is better than today.

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Posted by Shelia

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