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New Year, New You: Adult Tennis Classes - Venus And Serena Williams Academy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Press Release

New Year New You---Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy Adult Group Tennis Classes Begin January 11

LOS ANGELES - The New Year is here and the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy has announced the dates for its upcoming Adult Group Tennis Classes. There has never been a time to learn the art of playing tennis while losing weight and getting fit.

Located at the Arthur Ashe Tennis Center of L.A., home of the award-winning Rancho Cienega Tennis Club, the Academy will begin its next 8-week adult group tennis classes on January 11 through March 5. Each 8-week session includes one class per week on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and cost $11 per class, $88 total. Adults of all levels are encouraged to come out. Instruction is provided by master tennis instructor Le George Mauldin (as seen on KNBC-TV Channel 4), and all classes will take place at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex’s Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts located at 5001 Rodeo Boulevard in Los Angeles. Limited space is available. For more information or to register, please visit www.tenniswithlegeorge.com or call Le George Mauldin at (323) 392-6864.


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Venus And Serena Williams Tennis Academy Celebrates 35th Anniversary

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Media Contact:

Jasmyne Cannick

(323) 839-0216

Black Tennis Pro's Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy 35th AnniversaryVenus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy coaches LeGeorge Mauldin and Terry Chambers flanked by their students at the 35th anniversary celebration of the academy.

LOS ANGELES – Hundreds of local youth ages 12-17 came out and celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy Saturday, Nov. 14. The celebration took place at the Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts located at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex in Los Angeles and included an exhibition of their students.

The Venus and Serena Williams’ Tennis Academy is housed at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex located at 5001 Rodeo Boulevard in Los Angeles. Additionally, the Academy is open seven days a week with instructors available for private, semi-private, and group lessons for both adults and children. For more information, please call (323) 299-4631.


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Rancho '7 to 7' Tennis Mixer A Success

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ‘7 to 7’ Tennis Mixer held at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex’s Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts on Friday, July 24, 2009 went off without a hitch. From 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. tennis enthusiasts of all levels enjoyed a summer night of singles and doubles in Baldwin Hills. Hosted by the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy and the Rancho Tennis Club, the event featured music, a potluck, and games aside from tennis.

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Eat, Sleep, Serve: Los Angeles Area '7 To 7' Tennis Mixer On Friday

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Black Tennis Pro's Eat, Sleep, Serve Tennis Mixer
There will be a ‘7 to 7’ Tennis Mixer held at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex’s Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts on Friday, July 24, 2009. From 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. tennis enthusiasts of all levels will enjoy a summer night of singles and doubles in Baldwin Hills. Hosted by the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy and the Rancho Tennis Club, the event will feature music, a potluck, and games aside from tennis. All ages are welcome, however children under 18 must have parental permission. Rackets available. The cost to participate in the tennis clinic is $10 per person with all of the funds benefiting the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy, a member of the California Tennis Association for Underprivileged Youths. The Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts are located at 5001 Rodeo Boulevard, adjacent to Dorsey High School. For more information and to RSVP please call (323) 392-6864 or email info@tenniswithlegeorge.com.

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Venus And Serena Williams Academy Introduce Southern California's Newest Junior Sister Act

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Media Contact:
Jasmyne Cannick
(323) 839-0216

Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy Introduce
Southern California’s Newest Junior Sister Act in Tennis

Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy tennis coach LeGeorge Mauldin, USTA Southern California Girls 12s Ranked No. 2 Elizabeth Profit (12), tennis coach Richard Williams, and Girls 10s Ranked No. 8 Mary Profit (10) Saturday, July 18, 2009 at the Academy’s 2009 Community Wimbledon Celebration in Los Angeles.
(Photo/Charles Thomas Sr.)

LOS ANGELES, CA – On Saturday, July 18, 2009, The Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy introduced California’s newest sister act in tennis at their annual community Wimbledon celebration. Held in celebration of Serena Williams 3rd Wimbledon title, the Academy introduced rising tennis junior sisters, Elizabeth Profit, 12, ranked No. 2 in the USTA Southern California Division’s Girls 12s, and Mary Profit, 10, ranked No. 8 in Girls 10s. The event took place at the Arthur Ashe Tennis Courts located at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex in Los Angeles and was attended by over 200 people. For more information about the Profit sisters, please visit www.theprofitsisters.com.

The Venus and Serena Williams’ Tennis Academy is housed at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex located at 5001 Rodeo Boulevard in Los Angeles. Additionally, the Academy is open seven days a week with instructors available for private, semi-private, and group lessons for both adults and children. For more information, please call (323) 299-4631.


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Venus And Serena Williams Tennis Academy Announces Spring Session

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Press Release

Contact: Jasmyne Cannick
Cell Phone: (323) 839-0216
EMAIL: jcannick@sbcglobal.net


Spring Session Begins March 25-May 13

Los Angeles, CA – The Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy located at the Arthur Ashe Tennis Center of L.A. will begin its next 8 week Wednesday night adult group tennis classes on March 25. For eight (8) Wednesdays beginning March 25 through May 13 between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., adults of all levels can enjoy the sport of tennis in a group class while working off those pounds before bathing suit season hits. With instruction from master tennis instructor Le George Mauldin (as seen on KNBC-TV Channel 4), classes are one hour and rackets are provided. All classes will take place at the Rancho Cienega Sports Complex located at 5001 Rodeo Boulevard in Los Angeles. The eight (8) week session is $88. Limited space is available. For more information or to sign up, please call Le George Mauldin at (323) 392-6864 or email info@tenniswithlegeorge.com. Additionally, the Venus and Serena Williams Tennis Academy is open seven days a week with instructors available for private, semi-private, and group lessons. Online at www.tenniswithlegeorge.com


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