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BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Black Tennis - A Historical Perspective By Bob Davis
Thursday, February 28, 2019
This Black History Month perspective is a three-part article written by Bob Davis whom you will meet, and on some level come to know, through the words of his writing. Each of the three parts are available in this post.
At a time when Bob was a contributing editor for Tennis Life Magazine , he wrote this perspective that frankly, engagingly and historically captures the contributions, successes and struggles of Black tennis players and coaches in the world of tennis; it is still on point today.
It is always a true honor and pleasure to share the depth of historical knowledge and perspective that comes second nature to Bob. Without question I know that you will find it a must read also.
Years ago Bob was referred to me by his brother, Bill Davis, whose story is one of the most read posts here.
It is Bob's intention, along with others such as Arthur Carrington of Art Carrington Tennis Academy and Dale G. Caldwell of Black Tennis Hall of Fame to accurately preserve and present the history of Blacks in tennis. You will be able to see examples of what these gentlemen are doing to make this happen.
Bob stated to me that "The players today need to have an appreciation for the the likes of players such as Billy Davis and George Stewart and the people that pioneered the Black tennis world when we were not allowed to play USTA tournaments. Therein lay the value of The ATA (American Tennis Association), our only way to play tennis competitively."
In recounting some of the racial struggles that he, Arthur Ashe and other players endured as they entered the tennis world he said, "Something in me wishes all of these young players understood that it took that kind of perseverance, and that kind of exposure to enable them to just walk out there and send in an entry fee."
I was so captivated with my conversation with Bob that I could go on with those words and the offering would hold just as much interest. However, I will stop here and let you read his experiences and thoughts as presented in his perspective.
Blacks began to surface on tennis courts in about 1890 at Tuskegee Institute. Booker T. Washington, one of America’s great, black visionaries and leaders, founded Tuskegee. In his famous Atlanta Address of 1895, Booker T. Washington set forth the motivating spirit behind Tuskegee Institute. In a post Reconstruction era marked by growing segregation and disfranchisement of blacks, this spirit was based on what realistically might be achieved in that time and place. "The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now," he observed, "is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera house." Because of Washington's extraordinary ability to work within the system and to maximize the possible, Tuskegee flourished to the extent only dreamed about when he met his first students on July 4, 1881.
By 1898, Blacks began to have inter-club matches with rival black clubs in New York, Philadelphia and a variety of other eastern seaboard cities. These inter-club rivalries were primarily networking opportunities; occasions for the black, college-graduated elite to commune with their colleagues from other cities. This group of clubs eventually grew in number until an organizational structure was needed. In 1916, the American Tennis Association (ATA) was created as the governing body of Black tennis in America. In the fifty years since slavery was abolished, 80% of the Black population became educated. Nearly 4 million people came out of slavery as legislated illiterates and by 1915, an elite middle-class had been formed. By today’s standards, this is a phenomenal accomplishment. When one considers the growing rate of illiteracy across America, illiteracy that transcends racial lines, we should look at this statistic with awe and wonder!
In any event, it was this continuing attitude of separation that caused a group of black professionals to form the American Tennis Association (ATA) in 1916. The primary mission of the ATA was the formation of a circuit of black clubs and tournaments across the country. This new organization permitted the black elite to travel from city to city, network amongst their peers and enjoy the game of tennis. These separate but unequal tennis societies continued without conflict for nearly 25 years. While blacks enjoyed the social and the networking opportunities provided by the ATA, the USLTA enjoyed the pristine, private, country club environment that offered the same opportunities to it’s constituency.
In many ways, this elite Black society was born of necessity. Blacks were determined to do for themselves what the segregated governing society refused to do for them. Significantly, these elite middle-class Blacks were graduates of Black colleges and universities and were educated in the Arts and Sciences. They became doctors, lawyers and educators and, because there was no access to professional sports at that time, went to college to develop the foundations for lifetime careers.

Role models within black communities were also easy to find during the forty’s and fifty’s. Segregation prevented successful Blacks from moving into the white, suburban communities, so “inner-city” children resided alongside doctors, lawyers and other legitimate businesspeople. Bandleader Duke Ellington, lightweight boxing champion Beau Jack, New York Giants baseball player Hank Thompson and other world-class entertainers lived within one block of my family’s New York City apartment.

In 1946, a crude, street-tough, 19 year-old named Althea Gibson attracted the attention of two physicians, Dr. Hubert Eaton and Dr. R. Walter Johnson. An arrogant teenager, Althea lost in the finals of the ATA Women’s National Championships but her strength and athletic prowess was undeniable. She won the junior national titles in 1944 & 1945 and now, in her first year playing in the adult division, immediately became a serious challenge to the best ATA women players. By 1949, more than 30 years after the formation of the ATA, Althea began to challenge the collective

The recognition that she received would pressure the USLTA to accept her entries into the Eastern Indoors and the National Indoors in 1949. She reached the quarterfinals of both events and now hoped to play the grass court circuit that led up to the USLTA National Championships at Forest Hills, New York. (In the pre-U.S. Open era, the U.S. National Championships were held on grass courts not far from today’s National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows). But, the USLTA had not yet decided if it would allow this “colored” woman to be the first of her race to play in America’s most prestigious tournament.
Racial prejudice, to many people of color, is a very confusing experience. Many people wondered how Pancho Segura, a man of color from Guayaquil, Equador, stricken with Rickets during childhood, was so easily welcomed into this lily-white environment. He was considerably darker in color than Althea, yet his acceptance never questioned. His bout with rickets caused his legs to be severely bowed and he was quite pigeon-toed. In fact, Billy Talbert and Segura, ranked number one and three in America respectively, represented the USLTA in an exhibition in Harlem in 1945. Talbert disposed of Jimmy McDaniels 6-2, 6-1, while Pancho beat Lloyd Scott, 6-2, 6-2. Pancho thrilled the Cosmopolitan crowds with his two fisted (baseball-like) style. In spite of his infirmities, Pancho was quite a good player. His earliest success came as a student at the University of Miami, where he won the NCAA singles championships three times in a row (from 1943 to 1945), a feat not matched in the twentieth century. I mention this only as a point of interest because Althea held no animosity towards Pancho; or anyone else for that matter. His unconditional acceptance into the white, inner-circle, indeed his affiliation with the USLTA was, and remains, somewhat of a curiosity.
Now, a nearly two decades after Don Budge stood his ground and broke with tradition, one of America’s finest women players would stand up for Althea. Alice Marble, one of the finest white players in America would challenge the administration to allow her to compete. She wrote an impassioned letter to the American Lawn Tennis Magazine in 1950 that was primarily responsible for Althea’s ability to play in and win Wimbledon and the U.S. National Titles in 1957 & 58.
This letter, given the time, context and author eloquently exposed the prejudice more clearly as anything before or since.
The letter read:
“On my current lecture tours, the question I am most frequently expected to answer is no longer: What do you think of Gussie’s panties? For every individual who still cares whether Gussie Moran has lace on her drawers, there are three who want to know if Althea Gibson will be permitted to play in the Nationals this year. Not being privy to the sentiments of the USLTA committee, I couldn’t answer their questions, but I came back to New York determined to find out. When I directed the question at a committee member of long standing, his answer, tacitly given, was in the negative. Unless something within the realm of the supernatural occurs, Miss Gibson will not be permitted to play in the Nationals.
He said nothing of the sort, of course. The attitude of the committee will be that Miss Gibson has not sufficiently proven herself. True enough, she was a finalist in the National Indoors, the gentleman admitted – but didn’t I think the field was awfully poor? I did not. It is my opinion that Miss Gibson performed beautifully under the circumstances. Considering how little play she has had in top competition, her win over a seasoned veteran like Midge Buck seems to me a real triumph. Nevertheless the committee, according to this member, insists that in order to qualify for the Nationals, Miss Gibson must also make a strong showing in the major eastern tournaments to be played between now and the date set for the big do at Forest Hills. Most of these major tournaments – Orange, East Hampton, Essex, etc, - are invitational, of course. If she is not invited to participate in them, as my committee member freely predicted, then she obviously will not be able to prove anything at all, and it will be the reluctant duty of the committee to reject her entry at Forest Hills. Miss Gibson is over a very cunningly wrought barrel, and I can only hope to loosen a few of its staves with one lone opinion.
I think it’s time we faced a few facts. If tennis is a game for ladies and gentlemen, it’s also time we acted a little more like gentle people and less like sanctimonious hypocrites. If there is anything left in the name of sportsmanship, it’s more than time f\to display what it means to us. If Althea Gibson represents a challenge to the present crop of women players, it’s only fair that they should meet that challenge on the courts, where tennis is played. I know those girls, and I can’t think of one who would refuse to meet Miss Gibson in competition. She might be soundly beaten for a while – but she has a much better chance on the courts than in the inner sanctum of the committee, where a different kind of game is played.” In closing, Miss Marble wrote: “I am beating no drums for Miss Gibson as a player of outstanding quality. As I said, I have seen her only in the National Indoors, where she obviously did play her best and was still able to display some lovely shots. To me, she is a fellow tennis player and, as such, deserving of the chance I had to prove myself. I’ve never met Miss Gibson but, to me, she is a fellow human being to whom equal privileges ought to be extended. Speaking for myself, I will be glad to help Althea Gibson in any way I can. If I can improve her game or merely give her the benefit of my own experiences, as I have many other young players, I’ll do that. If I can give her an iota more of confidence by rooting my heart out from the gallery, she can take my ford for it: I’ll be there.”
This impassioned letter was singularly responsible for Althea’s acceptance into several qualifying tournaments and for her admittance into the 1950 U.S Nationals. Althea easily won her first


After civil rights legislation was enacted in 1964, history would show that the black elite moved to exclusive, suburban communities. Some people believe that this suburban exodus was the beginning of the decline in the growth of black tennis as well as a slowing of the positive growth in the black community. Others believe that the ability to live beside and emulate positive role models, along with the forced creation of a homogeneous community, were positive aspects of segregation. Black businessmen, both legitimate and otherwise, were guaranteed to be successful - as a direct result of segregation. Any Black that opened a grocery store, produce stand or repair store was certain to capture the business of the local constituency, because those customers were not permitted to patronize white-owned stores. This environment provided fertile ground for entrepreneurs; legitimate businessmen and hustlers alike.
It is into this era that Arthur Ashe emerged as a standout tennis player. In some ways, Arthur was a most unlikely role model and world champion. He was slender, almost frail looking. He was mild-mannered; always appearing to be passive, unemotional and reserved. Did he possess the strength, focus and determination to overcome the alienation of segregation, along with the rejection and degradation that was sure to be in his future? Wouldn’t someone from the north - someone with a more aggressive personality - someone who would defy the system have a better chance to overcome the odds? History would show that Arthur was the perfect candidate. He was simply better than the rest of us. He was a likeable young man and if you were not a hard-core racist, you would find Arthur friendly, personable and non-confrontational. Even in his memoirs, “Days of Grace”, one can sense his absence of anger. Concerning his inability to play tournament tennis in his hometown of Richmond, Virginia, Arthur said: “I remember the kindly white tennis official, Sam Woods, who would not allow me to play in municipal tournaments in Richmond, and all the other not-so-kindly officials who barred my way so that I finally played in only one official tennis tournament while I was a junior in Virginia.”
His success as a Davis Cup player and his U.S. Open and Wimbledon titles are legendary. But, his recognition at tennis became the tool that he would use to challenge society to end the racial injustice that plagued the planet. He made several trips to South Africa (against the wishes of many Black leaders in America) to pressure the government to end apartheid. He marched on Washington in support of the fair treatment of Haitian refugees. His life was dedicated to the elevation of his people. He focused a great deal of his attention on education. He encouraged youngsters to become doctors and lawyers. He wanted youngsters to attend and graduate from college instead of putting all of their energy into athletics. He realized that less than 1% of varsity athletes ever signed a professional sports contract. At the same time, he made many attempts to create a system that produced a pipeline of young black players that could use tennis as a vehicle to take them to college. One such program was a collaboration with Nick Bollettieri. The Ashe-Bollettieri “Cities” Tennis Program (ABC) taught tennis to more than 10,000 children. The program attempted to impress upon them the value of preventive health education and the importance of staying in school. Hundreds from this program (which later became the Arthur Ashe Safe Passage Foundation) went on to college on either academic or athletic scholarships. It was one of the programs that made Arthur most proud. Before Arthur died, he got a glimpse of Venus and Serena Williams, two young girls that would, for a short time, take over the reins of leadership after his voice was silenced. But, Arthur would not live to see the emergence of James Blake. James possessed many qualities that would enamor him to the tennis community at large. He is handsome, articulate and Harvard University educated. More importantly, he is thoughtful, non-confrontational and non-threatening. James, if he is so inclined, will be the heir-apparent to Arthur’s throne; the voice of Black tennis. Because, you see, like Arthur, the voice of James Blake is the only one that is likely to resonate with the powers that be.
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Posted by Shelia at 4:25 AM Labels: Althea Gibson, Art Carrington, Art Carrington Tennis Academy, Arthur Ashe, Bill Davis, Black History Month, Bob Davis, NAACP, Reginald Weir, Tennis Life Magazine, USLTA Email this post
TWITTER: Princeton African American Studies Acknowledges Serena Williams In "Celebrating 28 Days Of Black Excellence"
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Serena Williams is an American Tennis Player and arguably one of the best athletes in the world. Throughout her 20 plus year career, Serena has overcome accusations, personal attacks, and criticism and continues to achieve success on and off the court.— Princeton African American Studies (@PrincetonAAS) February 3, 2019
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Posted by Shelia at 6:54 PM Labels: Black History Month, Celebrating 28 Days Of Black Excellence, Princeton African American Studies, Princeton University, Serena Williams, Twitter Email this post
Black History Month: Minority Tennis - A Historical Perspective, Part I
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
This Black History Month perspective is the first of a three-part article written by Bob Davis whom you will meet, and on some level come to know, through the words of his writing.
At a time when Bob was a contributing editor for Tennis Life Magazine nearly ten years ago, he wrote this perspective that frankly, engagingly and historically captures the contributions, successes and struggles of Black tennis players and coaches in the world of tennis; it is still on point today. I am excited and honored to be able to share it here on Black Tennis Pro's. Without question I know that you will find it a must-read also.
Bob was referred to me by his brother, Bill Davis, whose story is one of the most read posts here. I will be bringing you more from Bill through a 'Conversation' very soon.
It is Bob's intention, along with others such as Arthur Carrington of Art Carrington Tennis Academy and Dale G. Caldwell of Black Tennis Hall of Fame to accurately preserve and present the history of Blacks in tennis. You will be able to see examples of what these gentlemen are doing to make this happen over the next few weeks.
Bob stated to me that "The players today need to have an appreciation for the the likes of players such as Billy Davis and George Stewart and the people that pioneered the Black tennis world when we were not allowed to play USTA tournaments. Therein lay the value of The ATA (American Tennis Association), our only way to play tennis competitively."
In recounting some of the racial struggles that he, Arthur Ashe and other players endured as they entered the tennis world he said, "Something in me wishes all of these young players understood that it took that kind of perseverance, and that kind of exposure to enable them to just walk out there and send in an entry fee."
I was so captivated with my conversation with Bob that I could go on with those words and the offering would hold just as much interest. However, I will stop here and let you read his thoughts as presented in this perspective.
Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865. Nearly 15 years later, in 1880, the United States Lawn Tennis Association (USLTA) was founded (The name was later changed to USTA). Tennis was the dominion of the white, upper class and Blacks were neither interested, nor invited to participate. Segregation was rampant throughout America and an attitude of exclusion was pervasive in most areas of American society.
Blacks began to surface on tennis courts in about 1890 at Tuskegee Institute. Booker T. Washington, one of America’s great, black visionaries and leaders, founded Tuskegee. In his famous Atlanta Address of 1895, Booker T. Washington set forth the motivating spirit behind Tuskegee Institute. In a post Reconstruction era marked by growing segregation and disfranchisement of blacks, this spirit was based on what realistically might be achieved in that time and place. "The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now," he observed, "is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera house." Because of Washington's extraordinary ability to work within the system and to maximize the possible, Tuskegee flourished to the extent only dreamed about when he met his first students on July 4, 1881.
By 1898, Blacks began to have inter-club matches with rival black clubs in New York, Philadelphia and a variety of other eastern seaboard cities. These inter-club rivalries were primarily networking opportunities; occasions for the black, college-graduated elite to commune with their colleagues from other cities. This group of clubs eventually grew in number until an organizational structure was needed. In 1916, the American Tennis Association (ATA) was created as the governing body of Black tennis in America. In the fifty years since slavery was abolished, 80% of the Black population became educated. Nearly 4 million people came out of slavery as legislated illiterates and by 1915, an elite middle-class had been formed. By today’s standards, this is a phenomenal accomplishment. When one considers the growing rate of illiteracy across America, illiteracy that transcends racial lines, we should look at this statistic with awe and wonder!
In any event, it was this continuing attitude of separation that caused a group of black professionals to form the American Tennis Association (ATA) in 1916. The primary mission of the ATA was the formation of a circuit of black clubs and tournaments across the country. This new organization permitted the black elite to travel from city to city, network amongst their peers and enjoy the game of tennis. These separate but unequal tennis societies continued without conflict for nearly 25 years. While blacks enjoyed the social and the networking opportunities provided by the ATA, the USLTA enjoyed the pristine, private, country club environment that offered the same opportunities to it’s constituency.
In many ways, this elite Black society was born of necessity. Blacks were determined to do for themselves what the segregated governing society refused to do for them. Significantly, these elite middle-class Blacks were graduates of Black colleges and universities and were educated in the Arts and Sciences. They became doctors, lawyers and educators and, because there was no access to professional sports at that time, went to college to develop the foundations for lifetime careers.

Bob Davis currently owns and operates Coastal Tennis and Sports, LLC in Bradenton, Florida.
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Posted by Shelia at 6:23 AM Labels: Art Carrington Tennis Academy, Arthur Carrington, Bill Davis, Black History Month, Black Tennis Hall of Fame, Bob Davis, Coastal Tennis and Sports LLC, Dale G. Caldwell, Perspectives Email this post
ESPN Anchor: Zina Garrison, "The Queen Of Black-American Tennis"
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Very shortly into the video, watch Zina Garrison's 'side eye' when this chick says that she was the "queen of Black-American tennis."
Alright, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but not this wacky chick. At what point in history was there a 'king' or 'queen' of "Black-American tennis," other than in this chick's mind.
And when was there this "Black-American tennis?" And how do you play it?
If you read Black Tennis Pro's on the regular, you will note that while I highlight Black tennis professionals, tennis is tennis. There is no White tennis, or Black tennis... it's tennis. Now the distinction comes with the fact that we have players of a multitude of ethnic backgrounds. How that background has affected their participation in the sport of tennis is where I come in.
This interview on ESPN, under the guise of 'Black History Month,' clearly was seeking to get Zina Garrison to speak to her lawsuit against the USTA, and in doing so the lead in was about this "Black-American tennis."
As an African-American learning to play tennis at a predominately White high school, I came to know and love the sport of tennis, not Black tennis - but tennis. A sport dominated by White players yes, but still... tennis.
Why are people who don't know a damn thing about a sport allowed to conduct interviews as such?
Yet one more thing to make you go hmmmm?
Read the rest of this post...........
Posted by Shelia at 4:11 AM Labels: Black History Month, ESPN, Zina Garrison Email this post
USTA: Five Questions With... Mashona Washington
Sunday, February 22, 2009
MIDLAND, Mich. -- Mashona Washington, who will turn 33 in May, says she has played her last lower-level prize money USTA Pro Circuit event.
Her doubles rankings is in the 115s in the world, and she lost in the quarterfinals at the recent $75,000 Dow Corning Tennis Classic in Midland, Mich., where she lost in the final round of qualifying in singles. caught up with Mashona at the Childhelp Desert Classic in Rancho Mirage earlier this month after a semifinal doubles loss in the $25,000 event. Do you still have the drive and desire to play high-level pro tennis?
Mashona Washington: Yeah, I do. I got off to kind of a slow start this year, but I trained real hard all of December. This is the last $25,000 I’ll ever play in my life. It’s just such a grind. The money is horrible, and the points are terrible. It’s just not worth it. I wish they would add a few more $50,000 or $75,000 events. At this point in my career, I would just as soon go train for two weeks than go out there and spend the money to make the semifinals of a doubles tournament and make $196. If I hadn’t already made some money during my career, I wouldn’t be here. So hitting the top 50 in the world like you did in 2004 is the reason you’re still out here?
Mashona Washington: Yeah, I think so. I’m glad I played well when I did. I still play because I love it, and I feel I still have a lot of good tennis left in me. For me, it’s just going to be a matter of waking up and saying, “OK, I don’t want to play any more.” And that day hasn’t come yet. What will you do once your pro career does end?
Mashona Washington: I have a lot of options. I have my college degree (obtained online), and I have my real estate license. I mean, I don’t want to have to get a 9 to 5 job until I have to, so why wouldn’t I travel the world and play tennis and kind of live that abnormal life as long as I can and my body and mind will let me? But I see myself maybe working my brother's (MalVai’s) foundation. Maybe doing some TV commentating or other behind-the-scenes work in tennis. I can always coach. I’ve been out here long enough where I think I can offer some valuable information to the younger players. And you never know, maybe marriage and kids are in the picture somewhere. Who were your role models growing up?
Mashona Washington: I didn’t really have any growing up. My parents, I guess. My dad always told me I should be my own individual. What does having Barack Obama as the new U.S. president mean to you?
Mashona Washington: It was an amazing event. I followed it since he said he was running. I voted for him and was glued to the TV. It was just an amazing thing. I guess if I had to say I looked up to anyone it would be Michelle Obama. She’s just such an awesome person. Her husband is now the commander in chief, and she has kids. He always says she’s the rock and can be a role model for a lot of people. It’s an awesome thing. I was proud to be black at that moment. But I’ve always been proud; proud of where I came from and my heritage. People like Arthur Ashe and Althea Gibson paved the way for so many minorities to succeed and to just come and play this game. I look at Venus and Serena and know how important it is that they are role models to so many kids. They see them, and they know it doesn’t matter where you come from or what your background is. Hard work is going to get you there.
Photo by Mashona Washington
Posted by Shelia at 3:56 AM Labels: Black History Month, Mashona Washington, USTA Email this post
USTA: Five Questions With... Ahsha Rolle
Thursday, February 19, 2009
MIDLAND, Mich. -- Ahsha Rolle of Miami Shores, Fla., is seeking to regain the drive and motivation that led her to the third round of the US Open in 2007.Travel and life on the road as a professional tennis player can be tough, and Rolle admitted during the Dow Corning Tennis Classic in Midland, Mich., that she is in need of a little pick-me-up.
She sat down with and talked about her recent play. You lost in the singles qualifying at Midland. How would you assess your game right now?
Ahsha Rolle: This is my third tournament of the year, and I made the singles and doubles in my first event and lost in the second round at Lutz, Fla. I don’t know. I’m not playing too good right now, and I don’t have much confidence. I don’t know why. It’s such a tough lifestyle. I’m just not feeling very inspired. I had two pretty big injuries last year that kept me off the court for about four months. I’ve just tried to come back and get in shape, but it hasn’t gone so well. It was a very tough year for me. I have to get in better shape and get my confidence up. Who were some of your role models growing up?
Ahsha Rolle: I liked watching Venus and Serena play. Of course, they were very big role models for me. Lori McNeil, also. What are your thoughts on February being Black History Month?
Ahsha Rolle: I definitely observe it. You always have to take time and remember the people who paved the way for you. We have a black president now, and that’s something I’m very excited about. It’s a great month. Talk more about what having a black president of the United States means to you?
Ahsha Rolle: It’s really exciting because as an African-American you tell your kids you can become anything, but there was never a black president, so now you can really tell your kids you can be anything and mean it. What about the inauguration?
Ahsha Rolle: It was an important day for me. I watched it with my dad. It was just really special -- something I’ll never forget. On election night we were at a tournament, and some of the girls watched it on TV with (USTA supervisor) Bunny (Williams) and (USTA referee) Missy (Malool). It was really nice.
Posted by Shelia at 2:05 AM Labels: Ahsha Rolle, Black History Month, Five Questions With..., Inauguration, Serena Williams, USTA, Venus Williams Email this post
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